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    Análise Crítica

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    Projetos Pedagógicos, Ciclismo, Política e Cidadania, CAS - IB

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    Ken Wilber, Autoconhecimento, Pathwork, Wilhelm Reich, Spiral Dynamics

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    Meditação, Espiritualidade, Integral Practice, Budismo, Shambhala

quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2012

By the book

The bus shook in the backside. An old lady that looked like a housemaid frowned and mumbled. She came to sit by my side, fighting subtly with other passengers which also long to sit and rest their legs and feets. I would not notice the shift if she did not barely touch her leg in mine. I was far away, delighting  myself with a possible distant future, my mind's eyes following the adventures of Harry Seldon in the amazing Trantor, the planet at the center of the galaxy from the Foundation Series created by science fiction writer Isaac Asimov.
It has been like this since I moved to downtown and decided that i would not let the routines of traffic jam, violence and stupidity spoil none of my days. My greatest concern was making the time I spend in buses or trains useful.
So, one of the best decisions i took were to use the locomotion time to listen a good Audio Book with my mobile phone headsets.