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    Análise Crítica

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    Ken Wilber, Autoconhecimento, Pathwork, Wilhelm Reich, Spiral Dynamics

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    Meditação, Espiritualidade, Integral Practice, Budismo, Shambhala

quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2015

Dark water

Abide my dear dark eyed son
Let me address you, once my time with you is expiring
the route will shift to a dim and bright frame inside your curly brain

So, hurry up
'Cause the times they are a' falling over
And a hard rain a' gonna change

Abide closer my dear dark eyed son
Can you stare through their masks?
Gaze the dazed eyes and behind them
Are you really keen on staring through the mask of our time?


Look again
Can you detect all the deceiving messages that reaches you from all around?
Especially from your dearest? 

Even from the gates of your own unfiltered blood?
Look diligent
Gaze the giant shadows and between them

Abide longer my dear dark skinned son
Can you recognise the beauty inside their ugliness?
As well as to recognise the ugliness inside their beauty?
Can you smell the absense of sincerity? How far can you smell it?
Look harder
Gaze the lost pristineness and before them

Finally, my crow's eyed son
Have you considered how wide is the desert which you're heading to?
You gonna need a lot of faith in water

And you will must keep up to the trail
You gonna need a lot of flair
Gaze through the dark tunnels
Use your dark eyes

To gaze inside the lacks.

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